What Should Young Women Know about Breast Cancer?

Remember that young women often have breast lumps and very few actually are cancer.
Is doing a breast exam helpful? 
Women below the age of 20-24 have an incidence of 1 in 100,000 of breast cancer. Only 55% of breast cancer cases have any identifiable risk factor. Your doctor will do a breast exam to check for the lump. If the lump is still present, your doctor will likely order an ultrasound of your breast to check out the lump.
While a breast self exam does not seem to change the outcome of breast cancer, it is up to each woman to decide if she wishes to practice it.
Cervical cancer can be prevented!
If you are a woman
If you have ever had sex and
Immunizations with the Human Papilloma Virus vaccines reduce the risk of cervical cancer by 70%.
What should young women know about breast cancer?
This is a disease that gets more frequent with age. Women below the age of 20-24 have an incidence of 1 in 100,000 of breast cancer. The rate rises as you age: by age 40 the rate is 100 per 100,000. What are the risk factors? Only 55% of breast cancer cases have any identifiable risk factor. Of those that are present many are not modifiable: gender, age, family history of breast cancer and history of radiation treatment to the chest area. There are slight increases in breast cancer incidence in those who are obese, especially after menopause, those who drink alcohol and perhaps, those who have used birth control pills.
The effect of the pill is controversial, with good studies on both sides of the debate. The risk is only slight and reduces so that ten years after you use it the risks are the same as for someone who has never used the pill.
If you are under 35 and you note a lump in your breast, what should you do?
The breast changes with your menstrual cycles - so wait until your next period is finished and reassess your breast, if the lump is still present, come in to Student Health Service to have it checked. Your doctor will do a breast exam to check for the lump. If the lump is still present, your doctor will likely order an ultrasound of your breast to check out the lump. Ultrasound  can discern the architecture of the breast better than mammography below the age of 40 years. Your doctor will discuss the results with you and decide how to proceed from there. Remember that young women often have breast lumps and very few actually are cancer, so you must be action before bad condition.
Is doing a breast exam helpful?
While there is no research that supports a reduction in death from breast cancer if you do a breast self exam, some women are interested in knowing how to do the exam, and knowing their body's changes over time. While a breast self exam does not seem to change the outcome of breast cancer, it is up to each woman to decide if she wishes to practice it.
Cervical cancer can be prevented!
The cervix is the entrance to the uterus at the top of the vagina. The cells on the cervix can change to abnormal cells temporarily or on the way to becoming cancerous. Regular pap smears look at the cervical cells and detect abnormalities that can be treated before a cancer develops.
Get a pap smear...
Depending on the results of the pap smear, a woman or mother may need to repeat once a year for three years, and, if all are normal, she can increase the time between pap smears to every 2 years. If the results show atypical cells of undetermined significance or low grade lesions, repeating the pap every 6 months and watching for signs of recovery is the recommended course of action. If changes are persistent for 2 years or more of a high grade, colposcopy is recommended.
In Canada there are about 3.5 per 100,000 people who are diagnosed with cervical cancer by 30 years of age. Immunizations with the Human Papilloma Virus vaccines reduce the risk of cervical cancer by 70%. There are 2 vaccines in Canada: Gardisil ($130.00) and Cervirix ($90.00) that can prevent infection with the common HPV strains that lead to cervical cancer (types 16 and 18) but only Gardisil can also reduce visible genital warts. Get the HPV vaccine at Student Health Service.

Action Before Bad Condition,.., Please!!!

The more abortions a woman’s had, the greater the risk that she’ll get breast cancer. The risk increases as a woman ages: While having “just” one abortion doesn’t significantly increase a woman’s chances to get breast cancer when she’s young, it catches up with her when she reaches her post-menopausal years.
Having had at least one child has a protective effect on a woman’s health. These test findings have been confirmed again and again.
There have been studies done in the West on a positive correlation between abortion and breast cancer. Now, a new Chinese study is confirming the abortion-breast cancer link.
First, a crash course on statistics and scientific studies!
The word “correlation” means association — that two variables are associated together. While a correlation is not causation, a constantly recurrent association is strongly suggestive of a cause-effect relationship.
The word “positive” refers to the relationship between two variables: they both increase or both decrease in intensity. A “negative” correlation means the two variables travel in opposite direction, that is, as one increases, the other decreases. In this case, a positive correlation means that as the number of abortions a woman has had increases, the likelihood of getting breast cancer also increases.
Additionally, when scientists find a correlation, the results typically are tested for their “statistical significance“ or “level of significance — which is an effort to determine if the results could have happened by pure chance alone. Popular levels of significance are 10% (0.1), 5% (0.05), 1% (0.01), 0.5% (0.005), and 0.1% (0.001). Choosing level of significance is a somewhat arbitrary task, but for many applications, a level of 5% is chosen. The most demanding standard of statistical significance is the 0.01 interval. This means that the probability for the test result happening by pure chance is only 1 out of 1,000. That, in turn, confers “significance” or credibility on the test result.
Lastly, an important principle in science is verifiability or replicability. A test should be repeated by other scientists who can confirm the alleged results. The more the test is replicated and the same results are obtained, the more confident we have that an alleged relationship indeed is true.

Cancer: Prevent and Defent by Mother to Breast Milk

Overcome the cancer early before it crept body. How did the proper mother can breastfeed naturally. Breast milk (ASI) proved as the best food for babies. For a young mother who had just delivered a baby, definitely always wanted to breastfeed exclusively.
However, time constraints often make a number of exclusive breastfeeding mother's despair. Here are some of the barriers that often experienced by many mothers when breastfeeding and how to overcome them.
1. The nipple sunset
The fix: When entering the seventh month of pregnancy, start getting used to pull the nipple with your fingers until the stand. If necessary, use a milk pump support. If the mother has a nipple down, not to worry, that are important for breastfeeding mothers willed.
2. Breast swelling
When you start feeding, on day 3 or 4, often feel fuller breasts and taut with pain. Do not panic, if you feel this.
The fix: Remove the milk with a pump or by hand when breastfeeding beyond the needs of the baby. To reduce pain, compress with warm water and do gentle massage from the base of the nipple to the breast.
3. Putting blisters and pain
This condition is usually caused by incorrect feeding position. It usually occurs when the nipple has not stretched, but the baby's sucking is very strong.
The fix: Start feeding with breast does not hurt when the baby is not too hungry so isapannya not too strong. Fix how to suck the baby's lips shut areola between the upper and lower gums.
Note also how to release the baby's mouth after feeding. Put your little finger in the corner of the baby's mouth, remove a little milk when applied to the nipple finished breastfeeding. Do not clean the nipples with soap and alcohol. If blisters do not heal in a week immediately to the clinic or to the nearest hospital.
4. Clogged milk duct
Breast swelling and wear a tight bra can cause breast duct obstruction. The fix: Remove by hand or pump breast milk, warm water compresses before nursing and cold compresses after feeding.
5. Inflammatory breast
Inflammation of the breast usually occurs in week 1 or all 3 after birth. The signs are, the breast looks red skin, breast hardening, pain and blisters. The fix: Keep feeding your baby in such a condition. What is needed is to gently massage the breasts on a regular basis. When the dissertation fever and pain may be fever-lowering drugs and pain relievers. Immediately refer to Pusekesmas or hospital when his condition worsened.
6. Less milk production
Eat more food and drink at least eight glasses. The fix: Consider an emotional, for the release of breast milk can also be influenced by the mood of the mother. Need to maintain peace of mind, get enough rest and enhance confidence in the ability of breast-feeding. 

Breast squeezing, Breast Cancer Missing! "Oh Yess"

remove the breast, breast hold, breast squeeze
Experimental results showed, squeezing breasts to prevent the growth of malignant cells in the area of breast cancer triggers.TEAM Research from University of California, USA, discover a simple yet powerful way to prevent breast cancer.
Apply a little squeeze to make the cells in the breast back to normal growth patterns.
It was not indiscriminate squeeze, but researchers believe the findings could be a clue to cancer treatment method that is more efficacious.
As told by the research team leader Gautham Venugopalan, squeezing can reduce their risk of breast cancer because of a slight touch alone can greatly affect body condition.
"When we lift weights, your muscles become larger. Physical movement can influence the growth. But for cancer cells, the opposite is true, "said Venugopalan told MSN.
These findings come from experiments with malignant cells are injected into the silicon flexible.
The researchers then wiggled silicon, such as shaken and knead.
Eventually, malignant cells in it began to grow normally and in an orderly form as in the healthy breast.
"The cells were still able to come back healthy, but they need to be guided in order to grow in a healthy pattern," said Venugopalan.

15 Natural Remedies Overcome Breast Cancer

In addition to treating breast cancer that just squeezed it, The best way to overcome breast cancer naturally without chemical treatment that we must learn.
1. Exercise regularly.
Research shows that with menigkatnya activity, the risk of breast cancer will reduced. Exercise will lower the levels of estrogen produced by the body, thereby reducing risk of breast cancer.
2. Reduce fat.
You have often heard disagreement about the relationship between cancer breasts with fatty foods. Several studies have shown that low-fat diets help prevent breast cancer. Other research has shown that there is no relationship between fat and breast cancer .. Recent research states that more important is type of fat is not the amount of fat consumed.
3. If you eat meat, not cooked too ripe.
Regardless of saturated fat found in meat, how you cook the meat will affect risk of breast cancer. The meats are cooked / baked produce carcinogenic compounds (Amino heterocyclic). The longer cooked, the more compounds are formed. Amino heterocyclic most abundant in the outer layers of grilled meat (skin) scorched and black.
4. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the less risk for all cancers, including breast cancer. Food from plants containing high anti-oxidants, such as vitamin A, C, E and mineral selenium, which can prevent cell damage that can cause cancer. National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends eating fruits and vegetables at least 5 (Five) times a day. But to avoid fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fat, such as french fries or banana cream pie with.
5. Consuming anti-oxidant supplements.
Supplements can not replace fruits and vegetables, but an anti-oxidant formula can a food additive that can prevent breast cancer.
6. Eat more fiber.
In addition to functioning as anti-oxidants, fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of fiber. Food fiber will bind to estrogen in the digestive tract, so that the levels in the blood will reduced.
7. Eat more tofu and soy-containing foods.
Foods derived from soy contains plant estrogens lot (Phy-estrogen). As with tamoxifen, a compound similar to estrogen, but weaker. Fito-estrogen bound to cell receptors similar to estrogen, binding out of breast cells
thus reducing the effects of breast cancer triggers. In addition to blocking estrogen the body to reach the receptor cells, food berkedelai also accelerates expenditure estrogen from the body.
8. Eat more beans.
In addition to soy, Phy-estrogen is also present in other types of beans.
9. Avoid alcohol.
Many studies have shown that the more alcohol consumed, the risk of cancer Breast increasing because alcohol increases estrogen levels in the blood.
10. Watch your weight.
Every pound of weight gain after the age of 18 years will increase the risk of breast cancer. This because in line with the increase in body fat, the levels of estrogen as hormone triggers breast cancer in darahpun will increase.
11. Avoid xeno-estrogens.
Xeno-estrogens means estrogen that comes from outside the body. Women taking estrogen from outside the body, especially those from residues of estrogenic hormones contained in meat and residual estrogenic pesitisida. Suspected xeno-estrogens may increase blood estrogen levels that increase the risk of breast cancer.
12. Basking in the sun.
The increasing incidence of skin cancer (malignant melanoma) makes us fear the light sun. But a little sunlight can help prevent breast cancer, because when sun on the skin, the body make vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the breast tissue absorb calcium to reduce the risk of breast cancer. 
13. Do not smoke.
Smoking increases the risk of breast cancer.
14. Breastfeeding / breastfeeding your child
For reasons that are still unclear, breastfeeding associated with reduced risk of cancer breasts before menopause.
15. Consider again before using hormone replacement therapy (Hormone = Replacement Therapy HRT). There are several good reasons for doing HRT after menopause, which reduces the risk heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. But HRT increases risk of cancer breast. Talk to your doctor and consider the risks that may arise, because most women are higher risk for heart disease than cancer breast.