Special Indonesian Food

As Indonesian cuisine specialties from the island of Sumatra Padang precisely. In the area of ​​Padang is already famous for its spicy food and that too is characteristic of the region. However, at this time to get the food that is typical Padang Padang rice, you do not need all the way into the field just to sample the nasi Padang, in Java are now widely sold nasi Padang.
Talking about cooking Indonesian specialties endless because Indonesia is very diverse cuisine. Ranging from traditional soft cake hinga food beeratpun every region in Indonesia has its own characteristics.
Seeing one nasi Padang phenomenon is a distinct advantage because it can be used as a means of promotion for the local specialty. In addition, unwittingly so we can learn about cultures other areas of Indonesia and of course this will impact on the nation's increasingly closer union not because Indonesian cuisine specialties.
When cooking dishes traced Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke, the number may be even more considering the thousands ata an area not only have a special food. For example, the area of ​​the west end of the Aceh region of Indonesia, the region has some kind of typical dishes like gulee Itek, timpan, gulee eungkot Rambeu, gulee eungkot yee, mie Aceh, Mom gureng, dalca, kuwah pli'u, cane bread, sour keu 'eueng, catch a chicken, sour Sunti and much more.
Unlike the case with Indonesian cuisine specialties from the eastern region, as in the Moluccas. In these areas have special food such as colo-colo, papeda, Lapola rice, papaya sauce, pickled yellow Maluku style, grilled fish with colo-colo, vegetable genemu, again and again, potpourri banana, sago pudding, kohu-kohu with boiled kasbi and kasbi.
When viewed from the two regions, namely Aceh and Maluku Indonesia alone, dozens of Indonesian cuisine specialties. especially if from all parts of Indonesia and it is proved that indeed the state of Indonesia is one country in the world with the highest culinary riches.
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