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15 Natural Remedies Overcome Breast Cancer

In addition to treating breast cancer that just squeezed it, The best way to overcome breast cancer naturally without chemical treatment that we must learn.
1. Exercise regularly.
Research shows that with menigkatnya activity, the risk of breast cancer will reduced. Exercise will lower the levels of estrogen produced by the body, thereby reducing risk of breast cancer.
2. Reduce fat.
You have often heard disagreement about the relationship between cancer breasts with fatty foods. Several studies have shown that low-fat diets help prevent breast cancer. Other research has shown that there is no relationship between fat and breast cancer .. Recent research states that more important is type of fat is not the amount of fat consumed.
3. If you eat meat, not cooked too ripe.
Regardless of saturated fat found in meat, how you cook the meat will affect risk of breast cancer. The meats are cooked / baked produce carcinogenic compounds (Amino heterocyclic). The longer cooked, the more compounds are formed. Amino heterocyclic most abundant in the outer layers of grilled meat (skin) scorched and black.
4. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the less risk for all cancers, including breast cancer. Food from plants containing high anti-oxidants, such as vitamin A, C, E and mineral selenium, which can prevent cell damage that can cause cancer. National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends eating fruits and vegetables at least 5 (Five) times a day. But to avoid fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fat, such as french fries or banana cream pie with.
5. Consuming anti-oxidant supplements.
Supplements can not replace fruits and vegetables, but an anti-oxidant formula can a food additive that can prevent breast cancer.
6. Eat more fiber.
In addition to functioning as anti-oxidants, fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of fiber. Food fiber will bind to estrogen in the digestive tract, so that the levels in the blood will reduced.
7. Eat more tofu and soy-containing foods.
Foods derived from soy contains plant estrogens lot (Phy-estrogen). As with tamoxifen, a compound similar to estrogen, but weaker. Fito-estrogen bound to cell receptors similar to estrogen, binding out of breast cells
thus reducing the effects of breast cancer triggers. In addition to blocking estrogen the body to reach the receptor cells, food berkedelai also accelerates expenditure estrogen from the body.
8. Eat more beans.
In addition to soy, Phy-estrogen is also present in other types of beans.
9. Avoid alcohol.
Many studies have shown that the more alcohol consumed, the risk of cancer Breast increasing because alcohol increases estrogen levels in the blood.
10. Watch your weight.
Every pound of weight gain after the age of 18 years will increase the risk of breast cancer. This because in line with the increase in body fat, the levels of estrogen as hormone triggers breast cancer in darahpun will increase.
11. Avoid xeno-estrogens.
Xeno-estrogens means estrogen that comes from outside the body. Women taking estrogen from outside the body, especially those from residues of estrogenic hormones contained in meat and residual estrogenic pesitisida. Suspected xeno-estrogens may increase blood estrogen levels that increase the risk of breast cancer.
12. Basking in the sun.
The increasing incidence of skin cancer (malignant melanoma) makes us fear the light sun. But a little sunlight can help prevent breast cancer, because when sun on the skin, the body make vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the breast tissue absorb calcium to reduce the risk of breast cancer. 
13. Do not smoke.
Smoking increases the risk of breast cancer.
14. Breastfeeding / breastfeeding your child
For reasons that are still unclear, breastfeeding associated with reduced risk of cancer breasts before menopause.
15. Consider again before using hormone replacement therapy (Hormone = Replacement Therapy HRT). There are several good reasons for doing HRT after menopause, which reduces the risk heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. But HRT increases risk of cancer breast. Talk to your doctor and consider the risks that may arise, because most women are higher risk for heart disease than cancer breast.
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