How to eat well and true to shrink fat peruk, follow these 5 tips below to find new era sehinnga shape of your body become more beautiful and attractive than before .....
Use weights, cups, and spoons graduated
Use the proper serving sizes for all foods, including healthy food, so that your belly fat loss program can be successful. Using the proper serving size may prevent excessive food consumption and quickly reduce the size of your stomach after eating. Normal-sized person would naturally gain weight for two to three pounds after eating every day, and by eating food in reasonable portions, your body will digest more efficiently. When your body digest food more efficiently, the size of your stomach will be smaller because it is not completely full every time you eat, and your body will start burning fat reserves are also present in your stomach (and other parts of the body). Using a smaller dinner plate can also help.
Change your oil and seasonings
Olive oil, sunflower oil, and canola oil is an oil that contains nutrients better than other oils. Vinegar is a good addition to your diet, and when mixed with olive oil on a salad can provide nutrients that are good for your body. Replace mayonnaise with mustard, and when you can not completely replace the mayonnaise, try low or fat-free mayonnaise. Find ketchup too low content of sugar and salt. Replace margarine and butter sprayed you with a version, which not only reduces total consumption, but also healthier.
Drink plenty of water and low-calorie drinks and caffeine-free
It is very difficult to meet the needs of 6-8 glasses of water each day, but one reason belly fat is actually because of dehydration. If you are thirsty, you are in the early stages of dehydration, so always carry a bottle or a glass of water with you. When you drink enough, the amount of water in your body tissues decreases and kekembungan actually can be prevented. Avoid soda, which will lead to weight gain and contain sodium. Coffee and tea contain caffeine. If you drink coffee dikafeinasi, try to limit their consumption to two cups per day. Coffee and tea contain caffeine can cause dehydration and you need twice the water than you actually need to compensate. Milk is one of the best nutritional beverages, and milk in the body can also be broken down into the water. Drink three glasses of milk per day, which gives the effect of hydration is equivalent to a quarter of your daily water intake requirement.
Reduce salt and replace it with herbs and spices
Salt can cause dehydration and increase in blood pressure. Experiment with different types of herbs and spices, which gives rAasa richer than salt, and is a healthy choice for you. Herbs and spices such as fruits and vegetables, you can experiment with your cooking.
Have a dining area remains
Avoid eating in front of the TV. Set your dining area in the dining room or kitchen table, so that the speed of your meal will be reduced. This will make you eat less because it gives an opportunity for the body to recognize satiety signals. Try to slow down your eating. Give 20 minutes steiap you eat because your body as long as it takes until your stomach feels full. Set the dining area also helps give a sense of when to eat, making you more focused on eating more slowly.
Use weights, cups, and spoons graduated
Use the proper serving sizes for all foods, including healthy food, so that your belly fat loss program can be successful. Using the proper serving size may prevent excessive food consumption and quickly reduce the size of your stomach after eating. Normal-sized person would naturally gain weight for two to three pounds after eating every day, and by eating food in reasonable portions, your body will digest more efficiently. When your body digest food more efficiently, the size of your stomach will be smaller because it is not completely full every time you eat, and your body will start burning fat reserves are also present in your stomach (and other parts of the body). Using a smaller dinner plate can also help.
Change your oil and seasonings
Olive oil, sunflower oil, and canola oil is an oil that contains nutrients better than other oils. Vinegar is a good addition to your diet, and when mixed with olive oil on a salad can provide nutrients that are good for your body. Replace mayonnaise with mustard, and when you can not completely replace the mayonnaise, try low or fat-free mayonnaise. Find ketchup too low content of sugar and salt. Replace margarine and butter sprayed you with a version, which not only reduces total consumption, but also healthier.
Drink plenty of water and low-calorie drinks and caffeine-free
It is very difficult to meet the needs of 6-8 glasses of water each day, but one reason belly fat is actually because of dehydration. If you are thirsty, you are in the early stages of dehydration, so always carry a bottle or a glass of water with you. When you drink enough, the amount of water in your body tissues decreases and kekembungan actually can be prevented. Avoid soda, which will lead to weight gain and contain sodium. Coffee and tea contain caffeine. If you drink coffee dikafeinasi, try to limit their consumption to two cups per day. Coffee and tea contain caffeine can cause dehydration and you need twice the water than you actually need to compensate. Milk is one of the best nutritional beverages, and milk in the body can also be broken down into the water. Drink three glasses of milk per day, which gives the effect of hydration is equivalent to a quarter of your daily water intake requirement.
Reduce salt and replace it with herbs and spices
Salt can cause dehydration and increase in blood pressure. Experiment with different types of herbs and spices, which gives rAasa richer than salt, and is a healthy choice for you. Herbs and spices such as fruits and vegetables, you can experiment with your cooking.
Have a dining area remains
Avoid eating in front of the TV. Set your dining area in the dining room or kitchen table, so that the speed of your meal will be reduced. This will make you eat less because it gives an opportunity for the body to recognize satiety signals. Try to slow down your eating. Give 20 minutes steiap you eat because your body as long as it takes until your stomach feels full. Set the dining area also helps give a sense of when to eat, making you more focused on eating more slowly.
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