Do not just taste the typical food Riau. But what about the food at a particular moment in Indonesia. The following are some typical foods native to Indonesia that exist only in the month of fasting, as quoted from Kaskus:
1. Kicak (Yogyakarta)
Kicak, made of glutinous rice mixed with grated coconut and jackfruit pieces. It was a savory and sweet snacks are suitable for when breaking.
The tradition began in the village kicak manufacture Kauman, Yogyakarta Indonesia. At first, kicak made from grated cassava is then cooked, after which it is mixed with other ingredients.
Kicak sold at a very affordable price. Ranging between $ 1250 to $ 2,000, depending on the size and packaging media kicak. To kicak wrapped in banana leaves are sold at Rp 1250, while when wrapped plastic media, the price reached Rp 1,500.
2. Pakat (Tapanuli)
Community Tapanuli have special food for iftar that are rarely found in other months. The food is made from rattan called pakat.
This food comes from rattan - young cane that has been cut up to a 1 meter, then burnt on the stove for 1 hour. Having ascertained ripe, young cane is then peeled and taken inside the white part. Meat rattan then cut - cut the size of 5 centimeters.
To add to the enjoyment, young cane and then sprinkled with coconut serundeng. One young rattan sticks sell for 8 to 10 thousand dollars, according to the type of rattan.
3. Curried Snails (Riau)
Riau save a lot of unique, one of a wealth of culinary taste within the Malay ground, one of them was curry snails.
Snail rice is the main raw material goulash snails. First, the snails were arrested and made curry rice, cooked with vegetables fern leaf yam, taro leaves, and sour eggplant.
Ramadan dishes are sold for less than USD 5000 in Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands.
4. Cuttlefish Pangkong (Pontianak)
Every Ramadan, along Jalan Merdeka Pontianak will find many small merchants serving typical Pontianak. Pontianak residents used to call food Pangkong Cuttlefish. Therefore, before serving, squid hit - at first, or in the language of Pontianak in "pangkong".
The food is made Indonesia from the dried squid and then burned using charcoal. Once burned, the calamari was then beaten - at using a hammer to taste savory.
Cuttlefish Pangkong more delicious eaten with chili sauce and vinegar, so it feels complete. Ranging from sweet, salty, savory, and spicy with prices between 4,000 to 15,000 dollars.
5. Sate Susu (Bali)
For Muslims Bali, typical food has always been a game as fast-breaking meal. Not only that, the food is also believed to increase endurance during the fasting month.
Made from a main meat of cow's milk bags were cooked and sliced into small pieces, then cow's milk flavored with yeast and baked on the hearth.
1. Kicak (Yogyakarta)
Kicak, made of glutinous rice mixed with grated coconut and jackfruit pieces. It was a savory and sweet snacks are suitable for when breaking.
The tradition began in the village kicak manufacture Kauman, Yogyakarta Indonesia. At first, kicak made from grated cassava is then cooked, after which it is mixed with other ingredients.
Kicak sold at a very affordable price. Ranging between $ 1250 to $ 2,000, depending on the size and packaging media kicak. To kicak wrapped in banana leaves are sold at Rp 1250, while when wrapped plastic media, the price reached Rp 1,500.
2. Pakat (Tapanuli)
Community Tapanuli have special food for iftar that are rarely found in other months. The food is made from rattan called pakat.
This food comes from rattan - young cane that has been cut up to a 1 meter, then burnt on the stove for 1 hour. Having ascertained ripe, young cane is then peeled and taken inside the white part. Meat rattan then cut - cut the size of 5 centimeters.
To add to the enjoyment, young cane and then sprinkled with coconut serundeng. One young rattan sticks sell for 8 to 10 thousand dollars, according to the type of rattan.
3. Curried Snails (Riau)
Riau save a lot of unique, one of a wealth of culinary taste within the Malay ground, one of them was curry snails.
Snail rice is the main raw material goulash snails. First, the snails were arrested and made curry rice, cooked with vegetables fern leaf yam, taro leaves, and sour eggplant.
Ramadan dishes are sold for less than USD 5000 in Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands.
4. Cuttlefish Pangkong (Pontianak)
Every Ramadan, along Jalan Merdeka Pontianak will find many small merchants serving typical Pontianak. Pontianak residents used to call food Pangkong Cuttlefish. Therefore, before serving, squid hit - at first, or in the language of Pontianak in "pangkong".
The food is made Indonesia from the dried squid and then burned using charcoal. Once burned, the calamari was then beaten - at using a hammer to taste savory.
Cuttlefish Pangkong more delicious eaten with chili sauce and vinegar, so it feels complete. Ranging from sweet, salty, savory, and spicy with prices between 4,000 to 15,000 dollars.
5. Sate Susu (Bali)
For Muslims Bali, typical food has always been a game as fast-breaking meal. Not only that, the food is also believed to increase endurance during the fasting month.
Made from a main meat of cow's milk bags were cooked and sliced into small pieces, then cow's milk flavored with yeast and baked on the hearth.
Thus food specialties in certain moment in Indonesia. may be useful and can be a reference to always traveled for women and all.
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